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Easy Elastic Waist Pants & Pantie Pattern for 8", 10", 14" and 18" dolls. Easy-to-make knit full-length or Capri-length pants and lace trimmed panties. Pattern pieces included to fit 8" dolls (separate pieces for Betsy McCall and KBK), 10" dolls such as Ann Estelle, 14" dolls such as Betsy McCall and 18" (slim doll) Ann Estelle. Instructions are included to make the elastic waist with either a casing (requiring only a straight stitch) or stitching the elastic directly to the pants waist using a zig-zag stitch.NOTE: These pants work great with a sock sweater!

P2003-Elastic waist pants & panties pattern for 8", 10", 14" & slim 18" dolls



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